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The chronicles of TAMAR

Year 60

All hail noble ladies and gentlemen!

At the moment I really have to do a lot of stuff, because finally the time has come: We figured out a way to communicate with the scouts of the other settler of Tamar. The scouts agreed on a common language. Now it is possible for us to get the information for whom they are working. And now our scout is learning which lord is ruling a colony. I have to record all these new information in the big map of Tamar which I have updated for years. As I was told by my master Alberich also the popular Lord Wolfen is working on a further new innovation. He wants to introduce a uniform payment system which should help to make it possible to trade between single colonies. This work takes already some years, but it is not easy, because the goods have to be meassured in a uniform size and should be payed in a uniform currency. Nothing would be more terrible than a fight between traders, especially because there have been no fights between the lords and ladies of Tamar yet.
I still have to tell you about one little event. Several time ago I was finally allowed to go to the taverna with my master again and to listen to the conversations of the guests. On this eventing a group of musicians guested in the town and they played some songs in the taverna, too. I especailly liked the song “Tales of Abanor“. This song is of a, here, quite unknown composer called Atroxis. It was so wonderful and a very pretty singing. The voice belonged to a lovely maid who earned a lot of applause for it. Such entertainment should be more often here, because I really need some rest sometimes after all this paperwork.
Well, now I have to finish my report, because some new news reached us from our scout. And it seems like that the balance of our tax collector is not correct. I hope this guy doesn't put some money into his own pocket!

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