Year 30
All hail noble ladies and gentlemen!
Again five years have passed and it is time for a new page in the chronicle.
In the last time the new lords (and ladys of course, too) of Tamar had the
opportunity to get to know each other in a the taverna and at this occasion
to pit their strength against each other with arm wrestling. My lord Albrich
is at this very triumphant which is now wonder because of his primal profession
(he is armorer). Me as chronicler of Tamar enjoy the seldom charter to be allowed
to attend the meetings of the ladies and gentlemen as a simple writer. So I sit
down in a corner and harks the stories of the ladies and lords which I'll write
down in this chronicle soon.
In the past months we had the pleasure to welcome some traders which find their
way to the taverna to drink a cup of mead. That lets me think of a conversation
which Lord Wolfen (which is one of the importantst lords here in this country by
the way), Lady Morgana (which has a gentle bond with the said Lord Wolfen) and some
other Lords. Lord Wolfen told of a rumor which he has been told: Some juggler may
have confederated with Mountainorcs, to get ore from them for trashy wine. They hope
to gain considerable profits from it. Some have seen the juggler traveling through
the country at the beginning of this month. This rumor has confused some of the lords
a bit which may have been also the result of the number of cups of mead which they
all consumed en masse. Lady Morgana had been very generous and the lords didn't want
to refuse one round. Also Alberich faltered with heavy pace to his home residency. Me
as a simple writer gets just one cup of water or cut wine at most, so I'm secure from
such “danger“.
Unfortunately last year a new calamity came over us. After the consequences of the
horrible Black Death seemed to be resolved and several colonies in Tamar developed
magnificient, a “power“ came over us which is hardly to discribe. Over the whole country
a magical cloud laid down in winter 29 which led that the residencies of the lords of
Tamar were unreachable for a whole quarter. Unfortunately it had terrible outcomes for
the inhabitants, because the lords couldn't give them grain. Thousands died a miserable
death. Till this date it is not sure from were this “power“ came or what really happened.
Maybe the exactly circumstances of this tragic story will be kept in the dark.
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