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The chronicles of TAMAR

Year 155

All hail noble ladies and gentlemen!

Since a few years a new development has loomed on Tamar. Some lords have started to occupy desert colonies in their neighbourhood and to add these to their estates. In this way some lords have also aquired seaports. Up to now it is still too risky to built up new colonies just somewhere in the wild. But is is quiet easy to aquire the ruinous villages. Once in the possession of the new lord, real soon the construction of new buildings can start and very fast new colonies awake in new bloom. At the occupation try the future proprietors are confronted with resistance sometimes, because very often the left natives of Tamar lodged themselves in the old shacks. Unfortunately in the past it happened that somebody couldn't keep his temper and occupied a villiage in this manner which was inhabited by another lord. The local lords are mostly newcomer and they cannot stand up the onrush of well equipped armies of established lords and normally have to flee after a short time. Thereby it doesn't help anymore that every inhabitant who is able to fight helps to defent themselves.
On the seas around Eternia are a lot of ships now. The lords have begun to sail on the coasts with their man-o'-war and to mark their property. In the waters of Eternia especially Lord Lancelot exeled himself there who owns the only man-o'-war in these parts and use this advantage goddishly. Constantly a new messenger comes with a letter to us which shows the areas that Lancelot hijack.
There is it again. I have just finished with the new chronicle when it knocked on my door. Outside there is a messenger again with a very important and urgent telegram. Often it is unimportant stuff, because the messengers take themselves too seriously sometimes and hope for gold coins in view of their services.
But this message you can almost not believe: Sergus disappeared! Several scouter have confirmed it in the meanwhile. The city and the surrounding estates were left which were managed by Sergus after the death of Lord Wolfen.
Nobody knows if Sergus is dead or just fled. But if he still lived, why should he flee and where to? If he is dead, how did it happen? At the moment I do not know any answer of these questions, I only know that this totally unexpected event roiled Eternia. Sergus had been known as a serious trader on Eternia by many lords, almost everybody already traded with him. His merchant ships got around far and everybody is happy that he didn't continue with the fights of his dead lord, but rather stayed neutral. Although Sergus was one of our competitor sometimes, his disappearence also worried my master Alberich. So we just can wait how this event will effect the power balance on Eternia.

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